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The FSA Opportunity

December 2024

Creating exciting and innovative ways to engage digital guests with your menu.

creating value with fsa partners

“What is an FSA? And how can it help
my business?”

An FSA (Foodservice Aggregator) is a platform that allows restaurants to manage their delivery operations from one place, instead of using multiple platforms and devices.

Utilizing FSAs allow for growth by driving traffic, digital sales, and beverage attachment.

Everyone wins when FSA partnerships are used to drive profitability through increased beverage attachment and elevating the end-to-end consumer experience.

Additionally, FSAs are investing in unique selling points to foster consumer loyalty, such as subscription services, new product capabilities, and one-stop shopping solutions for food and beverages.¹

Deliver person with backpack and bicycle pressing a doorbell on a building

Finding the fsa that works for you

FSAs continue to have a strong market share, representing 66% of delivery and half of all digital sales. DoorDash and Uber Eats both lead the way as the two largest FSA platforms in North America.1

Uber Eats has innovative capabilities and customer deals. The Uber Rides mode offers unique targeting and media. Targeted media ads are powered by first party data from rider and eater behaviors to drive conversion. Top markets are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Miami.³

DoorDash has good-quality customer service and a solid systems framework in place to remedy mistakes. DoorDash is three times larger than all other FSA partners and is the industry leader, holding the largest market share. DoorDash offers a targeted day parting approach to its media ads. It also has DashMart which offers an array of cross-functional opportunities. Top markets are New York, Brooklyn, Atlanta, and San Diego.³

While it is important to highlight the strengths and differences of these partners, restaurants should engage with various FSA partners to drive awareness and reach with guests to achieve optimal results in the 3PD space. 

Infographic reflecting the top qualities of Uber Eats and Door Dash. Uber Eats has innovative capabilities, great deals, quick service, and more restaurants. DoorDash has quality customer service, effective solutions, day parting solutions, and is an industry leader.

pathways to purchase

The digital customer is unique—they are highly multicultural, younger, and skewed towards cohorts like the Gen-Z and Multicultural guest. This also applies for the FSA audience. Digital customers are also very adventurous and exploratory.⁴ In fact, 57% of customers ordering from FSAs (3PD) do not know what restaurant they plan to order from when they open the app/site.⁵

As they navigate through the digital path to purchase, it’s important to understand their motivations and behaviors during each phase. Once they make the decision to order, consumers typically consider 3-4 restaurants before deciding which to order from. In some cases, this number can be even greater, up to 15 restaurants for the most empirical customer. This presents an ideal environment for recruiting teens and acquiring new guests.⁶

Man and woman looking at a cell phone. Graphic saying 57% of customers so not know what restaurant they plan to order from when they open the app/site

pathways to purchase¹



  • Convenience is the #1 driver for ordering from FSAs

  • 56% indicate deals/promotions very much/completely impact their choice of restaurant

  • 43% know which restaurant they will order from before they open the app

  • The main drivers for restaurant choice are price, menu options, and deals/promos
  • Action: Leverage on-platform media and promotion capabilities to drive consideration and traffic for your brand



  • 43% order beverages most of the time/always when ordering through a 3rd party app

  • 63% have decided against ordering from a 3rd party app due to service/delivery fees

  • Dinner is the #1 meal type ordered

  • Top beverages ordered: regular soft drinks/soda, lemonade, limeade, iced tea, iced coffee
  • Action: Improve your menu user experience with our trusted optimization framework to drive higher average check and profitability.



  • 74% tip 10-20% for orders placed through third party apps

  • 66% overall satisfaction with post-order experience

  • Delivery time is the #1 reason for changing tip amount post-delivery

  • 95% say food ordered generally meets expectations

  • Action: Continue to engage guests with CRM e-mail, and post check-out suggested sale promotions with discounts, engaging experiential programs, and new news.

everyone wins with fsas

FSAs allow everyone involved to receive benefits:

  • gain consumer behavior insights.

  • identify listing gaps and where to grow menu options.

  • support existing customers’ digital initiatives.

  • acquire new guests.⁷ ⁸

A four quadrant chart showing the benefits of FSAs for everyone involved. For guests, they can get a complete meal offering including their #1 preferred soft drink (The type of cuisine being ordered significantly influences the beverage paired with it). For FSAs, a higher check size equals a higher commission for the FSA (Drive traffic to your platform including new consumers & creating value for merchants). For merchants, beverages are a high margin item and can increase ticket size (increase profitability by driving traffic, trial, and awareness, while improving the consumer experience). Finally, for beverages, there is a huge opportunity to close the beverage incidence gap between online and in- restaurant order (creating consumer value and supporting customers and partners with programming).

Five hands holding glasses full of liquid and touching them together over a table full of food

Delivering Success

Delivery is a huge opportunity to drive traffic for customers. While the industry has seen some overall traffic slowdown, some partners have stood out from current traffic trends, seeing increases driven by digital sales.

How to get the most out of FSA partnerships:

  • Work with your Coca‑Cola team to understand your opportunity, growth story, attachment rate (AR) system impact, & investment strategy that works with your business model. They can also help develop effective scheduling to avoid competing with national offers.

  • Amplify programs with:

    • participation

    • custom social and website messaging

    • menu optimization

    • cross-channel support and other key tactics⁹
Connect with your Coca-Cola Representative for 
 more insights about FSA partnerships.

Source: 1) Human 8 Coca‑Cola 2024 FSA 2.0 Playbook, May 2024, How to create an FSA Customer Strategy. 2) Technomic Future of Off-Premise 2023 (pg 19, 22, 25, 103, 106), 2- Bloomberg Second Measure- Dec 2023. 3) Human 8 Coca‑Cola 2024 FSA 2.0 Playbook, May 2024, How to create an FSA Customer Strategy. 4) Coca‑Cola DINE 360, Total U.S. Restaurants, 12MMT: Dec 22 CCNA DINE360 Tracker; Time Period: Jan To Dec 2018; Technomic 2023 Ignite Consumer Q2 2022-Q1 2023 and Q2 2021- Q1 2022, base varies approx. 2,400 QSR consumers ages 18+ per attribute 5) 1. Dine360, Total U.S., 12MMT Dec 2021; 2. Custom Consumer Journey Research (Technomic), Total U.S., Fielded Nov 2021, N=1,750; NPD Crest, Total QSR (ex FC & Snack), Total U.S., 12MMT Dec 2021. 6) Human 8 Coca‑Cola 2024 FSA 2.0 Playbook, May 2024, How to create an FSA Customer Strategy. 7) How to Win with FSAs: Driving Beverage Attachment - Custom trade interviews for Coca‑Cola conducted February-March 2024. Custom consumer survey conducted February-March 2024 (n=1,501 respondents, 750 respondents for each route). Source: Custom trade interviews for Coca‑Cola conducted February-March 2024. 8) Human 8 Coca‑Cola 2024 FSA 2.0 Playbook, May 2024, How to create an FSA Customer Strategy, Beverage and Cuisine Pairing Study, May 2022 | NAOU DINE360 Survey, Store Visits, Food & Beverage visits Total U.S. 12MMT June 2021. 9) Human 8 Coca‑Cola 2024 FSA 1.0 Playbook, May 2024, FSOP FSA Strategic Approach & Programming.

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