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On-premise channels account for $238 billion of foodservice sales—roughly a quarter of total foodservice. These channels have seen steady, positive movement following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bar chart of Total Channel Retail Sales (Sales in $ Billions). The chart shows 2019-2023 broken into Lodging, Healthcare, Recreation, College & University, and Workplace. All channels reflect steady, positive growth since 2020.
Source: Technomic 2023 Foodservice Industry Wallchart (includes Travel & Leisure & Non Commercial)
Food-only trips are much less likely to be sourced from the office—however a fighting force may come in the form of micro markets.
Similar to vending machines, micro markets are spaces that rely on self-serve kiosks where consumers can pick up grab-n-go items from shelves, or fridges and checkout digitally.
Benefits of on-premise occasion sourcing:
Grab-n-go meals that stock easily in a micro market freezer.
Illustration of a scale highlighting the average spend: Workplace consumers will spend $7 at a vending machine, versus $20 at micro markets.
Source:, Increase Revenue and Reduce Labor Costs
Staff and faculty tend to get into a routine with food and beverage purchases—many rely on convenient, speedy choices and use this time to take a break, often at their desks.
Feature grab-n-go food and beverages that build breaks into everyday routines and pair well with desk work.
Chart highlighting the Occasion Motivations for College and University for students and staff/faculty: more convenient than other options (44% student, 58% staff/faculty), faster than other options (45% student, 54% staff/faculty), part of my normal routine (36% student, 49% staff/faculty), business or work meeting/class on campus (39% student, 22% staff/faculty), wanted to take a break (25% student, 39% staff/faculty). Bubble to the right of chart states that when asked where their food/beverage is consumed, 44% of staff/faculty said at their desk.
Source: On-Premise College & University October/November 2023
Convenience and speed are key drivers for healthcare. Patients and visitors want to relax and unwind—they’re more likely to be influenced by marketing than healthcare workers.
Advertising products in break rooms to bring awareness and visibility for healthcare workers.
Chart highlighting the Occasion Motivations for Healthcare for healthcare workers and visitor/patient: more convenient than other options (57% healthcare worker, 61% visitor/patient), faster than other options (55% healthcare worker, 58% visitor/patient), part of my normal routine (46% healthcare worker, 37% visitor/patient), wanted to relax/unwind (32% healthcare worker, 44% visitor/patient), wanted to take a break (39% healthcare worker, 42% visitor/patient). Bubble to the right of chart states that 42% of patients/visitors have seen marketing or promos for food & beverage, and 88% are more likely to purchase.
Source: On-Premise Healthcare October/November 2023
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